Example SAS ScriptΒΆ
Below we created a sample SAS script to illustrate some of the topics we covered so you can see how you might end up using them in a SAS script of your own. This creates a macro to clean some raw data, merge on some geographic variables, export the data as a .dta
, and clean the working directory. It calls this macro for a set of years using a loop macro that loops over years using a do loop.
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Prepare raw tax records for analysis
Created By: Census Predoc #2 (2017-02-02)
options debug='CONNECT=00200000' mlogic mprint replace errorabend obs=max threads cpucount=actual;
* Filepaths;
libname raw "/XX/raw";
libname dump "/XX/analysis/dump";
libname geo "/XX/geos";
* Useful SAS macros;
%include "/XX/leap_macros.sas";
* Macro to clean data;
%macro prep_raw_data(year);
* Clean the raw data, restrict to 1978 to 1983 cohorts;
data dump.pre_&year.(keep = pik yob income geoid where = (yob in(1978:1983)));
set raw.tax_records_&year.;
length yob 3
income 8;
income = sum(wages, dividends, agi);
* Merge on geography;
proc sql;
create table dump.clean_&year. as
select A.*, B.state,
from dump.pre_&year. as A
left join geo.geos_2010 as B
on A.geoid = B.geoid and A.geoid is not null;
* Convert to Stata dataset;
proc export
data = dump.clean_&year.
outfile = "/XX/analysis/clean/clean_&year..dta"
* Delete intermediate data;
proc datasets lib = dump;
delete clean_&year. pre_&year.;
%mend prep_raw_data;
* Macro to loop over years;
%macro loop(start, end, name);
%do i = &start. %to &end.;
%mend loop;
* Loop over years;
%loop(2000, 2015, prep_raw_data);